Food Equipment Group (The Netherlands)specializes in industrial kitchen equipment for professional use and for use in the highest private segment. The company supplies various premium brands in kitchen appliances, including the GAZI brand.
Company:Food Equipment Group (FEG)
Country:The Netherlands
Client:Emil Kuijt, Product Specialist

“I was originally a cook and then became a supplier of kitchen appliances. So I know what is important to the customer when he is working in the kitchen. The need to provide the customer with a truly suitable solution, that is in our DNA (and in Sturdy-Legs’ DNA also).
We do business with corporate and private customers in the higher segment. For the latter customer group, for years I had been thinking about creating a professional kitchen island with high-end consumer equipment.
The collaboration with Sturdy-Legs was plain and simple: you design and make the kitchen island, we supply the equipment. “
“Sturdy-Legs came up with a solution that was 100% in line with our wishes. It really was a creation from scratch. The choice of woodwork, finish and of course the fit suited our very exclusive targetgroup in the highest private segment.
We immediately called the organization of the Millionaire Fair: we want to be with you with this fantastic and unique product. And that was allowed! “

We like to think along. Do you have any questions or would you like more information? Do not hesitate to contact us.